VCSCA The David Holmboe Graduate Student Scholarship Announcement
To help future school counselors fulfill their educational goals, the Ventura County School Counseling Association awards scholarships to graduate students each year who are currently enrolled in a Southern California accredited master’s level school counseling program.
Scholarships are awarded by a nomination process. Nominees are considered based on the graduate student’s academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, embracement of diversity, and a commitment to the advancement of state and national school counseling standards. Nominations are open to any graduate student meeting the submission guidelines and must include an application of support by a graduate school full time professor and agreement by the nominee.
Nominees selected for a scholarship will be notified by the President of the VCSCA.
Scholarship award(s) will be presented at the VCSCA Annual Spring Conference, and recipient(s) is/are expected to attend the award presentation.
The Ventura County School Counseling Association (VCSCA) supports school counselors’ efforts to help students focus on their academic, career, and personal-social development, so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society.
VCSCA hosts fall and spring conferences each year to provide professional development for the school counseling profession.

Alejandro Rodriquez (2022 recipient)
Sarafina Silveyra and Hannah Meyer(2023 recipients)